Order of Service |
Date: 27 October 2024
- Welcome, Peace candle and Prayer for peace - duty deacon
- Call to worship: From Psalm 34
- Hymn StF 677: Christ is made the sure foundation
- Prayer of approach
- Prayer of adoration
- Prayer of confession: From Job 31
- Prayer of absolution: From Hebrews 7 : 25
- Lord’s Prayer
- Hymn StF 440: Amazing grace - how sweet the sound
- Reading: Jeremiah 31 : 7-14 - read by a member of the congregation
- Reading: Mark 10 : 46-52 - read by a member of the congregation
- Hymn StF 439: Abba, Father, let me be yours and yours alone
- Sermon: "For crying out loud"
- Hymn StF 272: From heaven you came, helpless babe
- Offertory prayer
- Intercessory prayers
- Hymn StF 449: Lord of creation, to you be all praise!
- Blessing
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