Order of Service |
Date: 7 August 2022
- Welcome
- Call to worship
- Hymn R&S 536: New every morning is the love
- Prayers of Approach, Adoration and Confession
- Lord's Prayer
- Reading: Hebrews 11 : 8-19 - read by a member of the congregation
- Hymn R&S 740: Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord
- Reading: Luke 12 : 35-48 - read by a member of the congregation
- Sermon: "Faith in the future"
- Hymn R&S 474: Brother, Sister, let me serve you
- Prayers of intercession
- Blessing of offertory
- Hymn R&S 247: Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son
- Blessing
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