Order of Service |
Date: 12 June 2022
- Welcome - duty deacon
- Call to worship: From Jonah 4 : 2b
- Hymn StF 11: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
- Prayer of adoration
- Prayer of confession
- Assurance of forgiveness: From Psalm 116
- Lord’s Prayer
- Hymn StF 443: Come, let us sing of a wonderful love
- Reading: Romans 5 : 1-5 - read by a member of the congregation
- Reading: John 16 : 12-15 - read by a member of the congregation
- Hymn StF 20: Be still, for the presence of the Lord
- Sermon
- Hymn StF 57: Let all the world in every corner sing
- Offertory prayer
- Intercessory prayers
- Hymn StF 338: There is a redeemer
- Blessing
Please e-mail me for further details of forthcoming or recent services, for advance notice of appointments at your church, or for full copies of sermons.
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