Order of Service |
Date: 16 July 2017
- Welcome and announcements
- Short silence.
- Call to worship: From Isaiah 55 : 10-11
- Hymn R&S 531: Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy
- Prayer of approach: From Psalm 84
- Prayers of adoration and confession
- Lord's Prayer
- Talk
- Hymn R&S 273: Fairest Lord Jesus
- Reading: Romans 8 : 1-11
- Reading: Matthew 13 : 1-9,18-23
- Hymn R&S 321: Your words to me are life and health
- Sermon: "Getting a stony reception"
- Silence.
- Collect
- Hymn R&S 512: Seek ye first the kingdom of God
- Prayers of intercession
- Offering
- Hymn R&S 573: God is working his purpose out
- Blessing
- Sung Amen
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