Order of Service |
Date: 28 May 2017
- Welcome
- Call to worship: From Psalm 68
- Song StF 58: Lord, I come before your throne of grace
- Opening prayer
- Prayer of confession
- Assurance of forgiveness: From 1 Peter 5 : 7, 10b
- Lord’s Prayer
- Songs StF 89: Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
StF 15: The splendour of the King
- Reading: John 17 : 1-11a - read by Ella Allen
- Informal talk: "Now you see me...."
- Song StF 175: Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness
- Reading: Acts 1 : 6-14 - read by Helen Chamberlain
- Informal talk: "Gone but not forgotten"
- Prayer of challenge
- Song StF 446: I will offer up my life
- Offering
- Notices - by Stephen Gurd
- Prayers of intercession
- Song StF 256: When I needed a neighbour, were you there?
- Blessing
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