Order of Service |
Date: 23 April 2017
- Welcome and announcements
- Short silence.
- Call to worship
- Hymn R&S 250: The strife is o'er, the battle done
- Prayers of approach, adoration and confession
- Lord's Prayer
- Talk
- Hymn R&S 522: From heaven you came, helpless babe
- Reading: John 20 : 19-31
- Reading: Acts 2 : 22-32
- Hymn R&S 248: This joyful Eastertide
- Sermon: "Asking the right questions"
- Silence.
- Collect - based on John 20 : 24-29
- Hymn R&S 242: Ye humble souls that seek the Lord
- Prayers of intercession
- Offering
- Hymn R&S 247: Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son
- Dismissal and Blessing
- Sung Amen
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