Order of Service |
Date: 16 August 2015
- Welcome (Notices)
- Call to worship: From Psalm 34 : 3, 8
- Hymn StF 536: He’s got the whole world in his hand
- Prayer of praise and adoration
- Hymn StF 395: Spirit of the living God - Seated.
- Reading: Ephesians 5 : 15-20
- Reading: John 6 : 51-58
- Hymn StF 247: I danced in the morning
- Sermon: "No offence?"
- Prayer of confession
- Hymn StF 57: Let all the world in every corner sing
- Prayers of intercession
- Lord's Prayer
- Offering
- Hymn StF 449: Lord of creation, to you be all praise!
- Blessing
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