Order of Service |
Date: 17 August 2014
- Notices and Welcome
- Call to Worship: From Psalm 67 : 5-7
- Hymn H&P 333: For the beauty of the earth - tune ii ENGLAND’S LANE
- Prayer of praise and adoration
- Informal talk
- Hymn H&P 732: Jesus, good above all other
- Children are sent out with a prayer
- Reading: Matthew 15 : 21-28
- Prayers of confession and absolution
- Hymn H&P 726: God of all power, and truth, and grace
- Reading: Romans 11 : 13-15, 29-32
- Sermon: "The ins and outs of it"
- Hymn SoF 1381: Jesus Christ is waiting (waiting in the streets)
- Prayers of intercession
- Lord’s Prayer
- Offering
- Hymn SoF 830: I, the Lord of sea and sky (I have heard my people cry)
- Blessing
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