Order of Service |
Date: 23 September 2012
- Welcome, Notices and Peace candle
- Call to worship: From James 4 : 8
- Hymn RS 67: Immortal, invisible, God only wise
- Prayer of praise and adoration
- Prayer of confession
- Prayer of absolution
- Lord's Prayer
- Hymn RS 413: What a friend we have in Jesus
- Reading: Mark 9 : 30-37
- Reading: James 3 : 13 to 4 : 3
- Hymn RS 635: Put peace into each other’s hands
- Sermon: “Servants of all”
- Hymn RS 522: From heaven you came, helpless babe
- Offering
- Prayers of intercession
- Hymn RS 531: Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy
- Blessing
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