Order of Service |
Date: 11 July 2010
- Welcome
- Peace candle
- Prayer for peace
- Call to worship: From Psalm 19 : 14
- Hymn 732: O Lord, thou art my God and King
- Opening prayer
- Lord’s Prayer
- Offering
- Hymn 474: Brother, Sister, let me serve you
- Reading: Mark 14 : 1-9
- Reading: James 3 : 1-12
- Hymn 564: Jesus, Lord, we look to thee
- Sermon: "Positively speaking"
- Hymn 289: To God be the glory, great things he has done
- Prayer of praise
- Prayer of intercession
- Hymn 293: Ye servants of God
- Closing prayer: From Psalm 19 : 14
- Blessing: From Numbers 6 : 24-26
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