Order of Service |
Date: 2 May 2010
- Pre-worship band/songster item
- Welcome
- Hymn magnify 36: Lord, I come before your throne of grace (What a faithful God)
- Informal talk: "Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be"
- Hymn SB 614: Master, speak: thy servant heareth - Tune BTB 462: Ottawa.
- Prayer
- Hymn magnify 34: Jesus, what a beautiful name
- Band item
- Offering
- Songster item
- Reading: 1 Samuel 3 : 1-10 (New Revised Standard Version)
- Hymn 839: Hushed was the evening hymn - Tune BTB 229: Samuel.
- Sermon: "Samuel and Eli"
- Prayer
- Hymn SoF 830: I, the Lord of sea and sky (I have heard my people cry)
- Blessing
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