Order of Service |
Date: 4 October 2009
- Welcome
- Call to worship - responsive - leader and congregation
- Hymn 329: All creatures of our God and King - omit verses 5-6
- Brief address
- Prayer
- Lord’s Prayer
- Song: Be Still for the presence
- Children leave
- Prayer of confession
- Song: King of Kings Majesty - seated
- Reading: Luke 12 : 22-34 - read by a church member
- CD: "Don’t be afraid" - River
- Reading: James 2 : 14-26 - read by a church member
- Song: A new commandment
- Sermon: ‘Faith and Deeds’
- Song: God in my living (Everything)
- Prayers of intercession - led by a church member
- Offering
- Hymn 68: Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
- Closing prayer: From Hebrews 2 and Psalm 8 : 4
- Blessing
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