Order of Service |
Date: 3 August 2008
- Welcome and Notices - James Bell
- Call to worship: From Isaiah 55
- Hymn 13: Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
- Prayer of adoration and confession
- Declaration of God’s forgiveness: From Psalm 145 : 9-19
- Talk: "Living life to the full"
- Prayer of thanksgiving
- Hymn 578: This is the day, This is the day
- Children leave
- Reading: Romans 9 : 1-5
- Reading: Matthew 14 : 13-21
- Hymn 349: O Father, whose creating hand - tune 801 Pater Omnium
- Sermon: "Who’s ministering to whom?"
- Hymn 452: The God of Abraham praise
- Prayers of intercession
- Lord's Prayer
- Offering
- Hymn 437: Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
- Blessing
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